If you are someone who owns stocks, then I can say you should consider owning a basket of the most relevant brands. How you own them depends on your specific wants/needs.

If you prefer to work with a Financial Advisor: There’s a good chance the Brands strategy is available to him/her.

The Rational Dynamic Brands Fund is likely available for you to purchase through the Advisor’s mutual fund platform.

Currently the fund is available to investors at UBS, Stifel Nicholas, LPL, Wedbush, LPL Financial, most independent broker/dealers, and through Registered Investment Advisors working with Schwab, Fidelity, TD Ameritrade, Interactive Brokers, Pershing. There are a number of regional broker/dealers available so reach out to me or your Advisor to check for availability.

If you prefer to do the research and allocate your assets to funds/ETF’s/stocks that make sense to you:

You can buy the Rational Dynamic Brands Fund at most discount brokerage firms like Schwab, TD, Fidelity, ETrade, etc.

Click to head to Schwab. You can buy the institutional class shares of Dynamic Brands (HSUTX)

Click to head to Fidelity. You can buy the institutional class shares of Dynamic Brands (HSUTX)


Summary of Investment Options

  • RATIONAL Dynamic Brands Fund - an actively managed equity mutual fund that owns 25-50 highly relevant brands.

  • Dynamic Brands SMA - Separately managed portfolio - 25-50 stocks, actively managed. Ideal for individual investors and Financial Advisors who want their money manager to own & actively manage a portfolio of individual brands.

  • Core + Tactical Consumer Portfolio - 85% of the portfolio is the Brands Fund and 15% is actively managed and tactical. We try to find contrarian ideas that appear highly attractive in any market environment.

Rational Dynamic Brands Fund (HSUTX)

Our team took over as the new sub-advisor of HSUTX on 10/17/2017. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.

Investors should carefully consider the investment objectives risks, charges, and expenses of the Rational Funds. This and other important information about the fund is contained in the prospectus, which can be obtained by calling 310-776-0501 or by sending an email to eric.clark@accuvest.com. The prospectus should be read carefully before investing. The Rational Funds are distributed by Northern Lights Distributors, LLC., Member FINRA/SIPC. Rational Advisors, Inc. is not affiliated with Northern Lights Distributors, LLC. 4368-NLD-4/9/2020.

Risk Considerations:

Investing in the fund carries certain risks. The value of the fund may decrease in response to the activities and financail prospects of an individual security in the Fund’s portfolio. These factors may affect the value of your investment. Investments in international markets present special risks including currency fluctuation, the potential for diplomatic and political instability, regulatory and liquidity risks, foreign taxations and differences in auditing and other financial standards. Risks of foreign investing are generally intensified for investment in emerging markets. Emerging market securities tend to be more volatile and less liquid than securities traded in developed countries.